It is said that the Author of Fullmetal Alchemist is going to send out another chapter.She is going to make it all about Roy and Riza.They finished it all about Edward and Winry.Ed had gotten hos arm back.Alphonse hadn't got his body back he is still announced to be his fathers army.In one of the latest chapters Riza had almost died because of being slit at the throat.The men were trying to get Roy to open the gate but he refused,Envy had already been killed and he no longer needed to regret.Fullmetal Alchemist is my favorite anime in the entire world.Favorite character is Roy but I still love the rest just a little less.This isn't a normal anime though this anime has things that are actully created and real.Not only that but it includes the 7 deadly sins (Envy,Sloth,Lust,Gluttony,Wrath,Pride,Greed).
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